Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update from Kristi

Yesterday was a rough day for me, as my roller coaster journey of emotions has begun! My days truly are day to day, which is hard for me being that I like to plan and have things organized and structured. I seemed to get emotional with the simplest questions, which then in return makes me feel stupid so I'd cry again.... Just not a good day, but still have my peace that I am holding onto. That is what gets me through the day....

Today though, I think with sleep and journaling in my book, along with prayer is better.

*Next week on Tuesday (5/19) I go to meet for my consultation and with the anesthesiologist for my biopsy, so that will be an easy day. I decided to be put under since my last experience with my chest biopsy kinda overwhelmed me a bit - seeing everything the doctor was doing and hearing them talk, along with the monitor being on the other side of my face and feeling it... Yeah, wasn't my cup of tea! ;O) Then Wednesday I go in at 10:30, procedure will be at 12:30, and I should be out be 4:30. So please pray that this one will be a good biopsy and NOT get crushed!

*The following week on Tuesday (5/26) I have an appointment to meet with the doctor for my results of the bone marrow test, PET scan, cardio scan and biopsy. That is when we will find out what we are exactly dealing with and our plan of action! It won't surprise me if the doctor wants to get me in ASAP after that to start chemo, being that is what he was going to do before he realized the biopsy scheduling wouldn't be right away.

I went to the Relay for Life Friday night and a lady from the cancer association was talking to me. She said there was room on the platform for me and she would love for me to share my testimony/story/journey with cancer. She said it would give God so much glory, and thousands would be able to hear it. Anybody that knows me "knows" that I can not staaaaand getting up in front of people, especially people I do not know... It will have to be God orchestrated, and His timing that is for sure.... So, we will see... She said it would also be great to have someone that is my age up there as well, to touch lives and to remind people this fight is not just an age thing. It can happen to anyone. So pray with me in that please! Hope all have /had a wonderful weekend. It's good to be home with my family again.

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