Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Prayer for Kristi by Beth Varnado Luca

My Prayer of Peace for Kristi

LORD, I lift up Kristi, this precious child of yours.

I pray peace upon her and her family as they embark on this incomprehensible journey, your peace that surpasses all understanding - Philippians 4:7.

Let the peace that you give them and the provisions you grant be a shining testimony to all that you are bigger than anything of this world. Let your name be praised and your Son be glorified in this. For you are her God and you are Jehovah-Shalom, THE LORD OUR PEACE.

LORD, your word tells us that you shall supply all our needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19.

LORD, I pray that Kristi and her family not want for one thing; that not even one bill come into their home that you have not already provided for. Let Kristi and all those who know you take great comfort and rest in your power throughout this situation, that they may be a glorious testimony to you Jehovah-Jireh, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.

Let all come to know that the God of Israel is the one and only true God, and that through Him, by way of the cross is salvation.

Let those who do not know you feel compelled to follow along in this journey to see if what we say is true. Cause them to hunger and thirst for you and make known to them through this journey that the unbearable, insatiable thirst and hunger they feel can only be quenched by You. Let there be clarity of mind as you draw them to You. And as they call out for you, dear Lord, I know you are faithful to give them the peace they seek just as you have given your peace to Kristi and to us.

Praise His Holy Name Forever and Ever, Amen

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