Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/28 from Kristi

Today is done! went well as things can go.... So now I hope for a restful sleep... Thanks for all the prayers again.... Tired so I think sleep will be coming sooner rather then later....


  1. Kristi,
    I found out about your blog from my niece, Gaylene Robles. I live in a suburb of Dallas. I just wanted you to know that I will keep you, your family and doctors in my prayers. What an inspiration you are! Isn't it comforting to know that the God of the Universe was not taken by surprise when you got your diagnosis? And comforting to know that He, Who told the stars where to shine, is in complete control! May He hold you close. Joanne

  2. Kristi, I saw the posting on Gaylene's Facebook page. I don't know you, but Gaylene and I went to school together. I now live just outside of Houston in Katy, TX. Please contact me if there's any way I can help. I can't do much financially, but if you need something that can be done, let me know as I'm not so far away. I don't use that LiveJournal account, so find me on Facebook (Lisa Yellowroses).
