Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5/27 Update from Kristi

Woooow today was long, and tomorrow will be, too. I had my pic line put in, chest x-ray done, spoke with the doctor, and ran back and forth from one building to the next! Results came back as Hodgkin's, so this means chemo treatments every 2wks for 6months.... That is an answered prayer for sure! Another blessing is the 50% that MD Anderson covers also applies to meds! So that is great news as well...

My doctor gave me some meds to cut some of the pain from the pic line being put in so waiting for that to kick in... Tomorrow I have to go to a class to show how to take care/ clean my line out, another test with my breathing, 1st chemo treatment at 3:30 which will take 3 hours, and talking to some people in the administration department. Friday another class and hopefully home after that! God is good and definitly in the mix of things.

As I was getting the pic line done, I was lying there thinking. Thinking about all this time, as life passes us by, as we go through the motions, we hear of this person or that person who has cancer and feel sadness or a sense of grief for that person, or we see someone that is going through it by the sign of loss of hair, but that is where it stops. We don't really think beyond that, we never really have to, until we are in it. How many tests are involved, all the poking and prodding, the moments of pain, the tears that are shed, the receiving of the reality that all is out of our hands and you decide to solely trust God... I have a peace through all of this that God has me right where He wants me, and I know there is a purpose and plan in all things.. Sometimes I lie on the table feeling like a Guinea pig, thinking about how soon, very soon, I will have a bald head, how will people treat me, I don't want to be treated different or sickly... A tear will fall, and then I remember I laid it down, I laid it all down, for the joy of the Lord.... That is where I rest my head, in my Big Papa's hands.... Nighty night friends...

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