Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Prayer for Kristi by Beth Varnado Luca

LORD, I lift up Kristi, as she enters the next week of testing.

I pray that you would provide her with the very best medical team there is at MD Anderson.

That not one cell of cancer would be over looked or missed.

Lord, use the great faith that Kristi has to impact those around her through the day to day and those who are watching from a distance.

Use the great faith you've given her to encourage those who are watching and praying who are already believers and to astonish the non-believers who are watching, so that your name may be glorified.

Lord, we ask that if it is your will, the medical team you provide will be a team of believers. A team that sees not with human eyes but through the eyes of faith. A team, who along with Kristi, are able to see past the "bad news" the test results may reveal to the gateway for a miracle. A team who believes all things are possible with our God. Mark 10:27

And Lord, more than anything else along this journey help us to remember that you are Sovereign. Let us remember and take comfort that you are Lord, the ultimate healer, the Great Physician, Jehovah-Rapha, THE GOD WHO HEALS and You are all we ever need.

We Praise Your Holy Name Jesus Forever and Ever, Amen

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