Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Update from Kristi - 5/12 Oncology Visit

I spoke with Kristi after her appointment, and she sounds really good! Here's the update she emailed me to send out.

o.k. this morning @ the appointment, we found out that the biopsy was inconclusive. They are going to need to take out a lymph node to do it. I have my appointment scheduled with MD Anderson tomorrow @ 1:00 and am expected to stay 5-7 dys. At my Dr. visit today they said the CAT scan of my lower abdomen showed a few swollen lymph nodes , but I was not shocked with this @ all. God is so good, that I didn't even need to pay for my Dr. visit today! It was stamped "Pyd" !!! Go GOD!!!! If yall don't know Him, ya need to, cause HE'S my banker.... Oh my gosh, another praise! (Our AC just went out in our car) Chris's uncle just called and told us not to worry, get it taken care of.... I am just in AWE!!!! And here is another "God Provision" Chris just received a call today with someone wanting to do a service contract with him , so he will be doing that on Thurs. ! I sooo thank everyone for the prayers that are and have been lifted up . God is faithful, HE is our provider, He is the Rock on which we are standing on. TO GOD BE THE GLLLLLLLORY!

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