Friday, May 8, 2009

Update from Kristi

I thank yall so much for the prayers, speechless and moved! Prayer request is, Dr. apt with oncologist on Tues @ 10:15 , Appointment with MD Anderson on Wed., GOD"S hand in the financial aspect of this. We do not have insurance, so as you can imagine the bills will be coming in. I have to continually remind myself that God is my banker. I am choosing not to be consumed with fear and honestly that does not come easy for me when it comes to finances. He continues to grow me in this area, and continues to remind me that so many things are out of my control and totally in HIS. IT IS A CHOICE! This is the area that we def. need prayer in, for God's mighty hand and outstretched arm to be in this . My God made the heavens and they earth, He can move mountains, and I know how small this is to HIM. After all HE did part the Red Sea! Mighty is my GOD .... Mighty is He! Thanks for standing in the gap in my time of need, and for walking this walk with me and my family!

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