Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oncology Appointment Today

Kristi is headed to her oncologist appointment this morning. I believe that she'll get the biopsy results back today as well as the remainder of the body scan results.

She received a call from MD Anderson today as well. They let her know she would only be 50% covered. She was also informed that she would be there for 5 to 7 days when she goes there tomorrow (they will probably be doing the bone marrow biopsy and PET scan there). She will be treated as an out-patient. A relative has graciously given her mom a place to stay in Houston close to the hospital. Parking there is 12-15 dollars a day. We will open up her Care Calendar for the rest of the week once we know how long she is going to be there (there's a link on the right hand side of this page). You can donate to her account directly through her donation link on this page. Thank you!

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