Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Update from Kristi - First Day at MD Anderson

Today was a busy day, the place is like a metropolis ! Wild and crazy stuff! I really like my Dr., and he reminds me of Hugh Grant with lighter hair! Nope, no English accent either... ;O) Today was just meeting with him, filling out papers and getting blood work done. He thinks it's either Hochkins or large cell lymphoma, but leaning more to "large cell". Tomorrow will be a day of testing. cardiograph (to make sure my heart is strong), bone marrow test (to make sure it's not in my bones, since this is cancer of the blood), and PET scan (to make sure I don't have it in any of my organs). Tonight dinner and tomorrows breakfast are no carbs or sugars and can not eat anything after 8am until PET test is over and that is for 4:30pm! Arrrrg [:o / I DO have to have another biopsy but that is not scheduled yet, but he is hoping for it to be Friday. He wants to have all these tests done ASAP so we can start chemo right away. Hope all had a blessed day! Tiiiiill next time...

p.s. from Missy - If you are like me, you are probably wondering what the prognosis is and what exactly will be involved in her treatment! It is still too early for them to say with certainty which type of lymphoma they are dealing with and to specify the exact treatment plan. So, let's continue to pray for clarity and wisdom for her doctors! I am encouraged and believe that our sweet Kristi is going to do great! We are with her every step of the way!


  1. If anyone can beat something with sheer strength and faith it is Kristi!!

    Praying for you girl!!
    Sending love from Georgia :)

  2. You are in my prayers girl! I know this is THE hardest time, waiting and wondering. Keep strong in your faith and know we're all here for you. And well, speaking from experience...get an extra pillow to sit on...the bone marrow biopsy will leave you a bit sore. :( and make sure they knock you out!!!

    From one survivor to another - YOU ROCK SISTA! Big hugs to you and know you so many who love you and are with you in this journey!

    hugs from Nashville -

  3. you are going to b okay Mrs. Kristy. im going to pray for you

    from tyra williams
