Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ways to Help

We are trying to collect money to help with parking 12 to 15 dollars a day and get meals for her family while she's at MD Anderson. There is a donation link on this page (right hand side).

If you would like to provide a meal for her, but can't make or deliver it, contact Stephanie at 512.924.5321 or stephanie@denbighcherry.com. We have several people willing to cook and deliver.


1 comment:

  1. I was able to talk with Kristi today and I could tell that she is staying positive and trusting in our Savior! It was encouraging to me! I also was able to share some resources with her that my mom and I used when she got diagnosed and didn't have insurance. I would love to share any of our experiences and ideas to help serve Kristi and her family. I am also in the process of opening up a non-profit agency from the "Patt Carmel Fund" to serve women in this area so please let me know how I can help. We are all called to serve and it's what my mom would have continued to do, even when she was sick. Pray, pray, pray, and remember that God is sovereign over ALL things!

    In Him,
    Allison Carmel
