Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well here we are in November, almost Thanksgiving.So much to be thankful for!
I sit here looking back @ the last past six months and sit in aw. In aw of my loving Father. It seems much like a big blur, even though I walked threw every minute of it. So much I have learned, so much I have seen, so much I have experienced. Remembering so very clearly that very first day that I heard "YOU HAVE CANCER", so very clearly "I AM GONNA CARRY YOU THROUGH THIS", and so very clearly "YOU WILL BE DELIVERED". Being diagnosed with cancer makes you take a big look @ things, puts things into perspective really quick, and makes you realize that you truly have no idea what one minute holds from the next. BUT GOD DOES! He has a purpose and plan for ALL things, in ALL things. Ones attitude and faith matters greatly....
I again say I can not imagine going through this alone.....
God has taught me so many things through this, one of them was "HE LOVES US SO MUCH" We are HIS children and He wants to pour out His love on us and we need to come to a place where we let Him. Remembering Him telling me "You are my child, it is my time, my money, and my food. They are just the willing vessels in which I wish to use".
Another is how HE IS MY BANKER! Remembering Him telling me "You aren't going to see me in my bigness until you give it to me fully". Meaning relinquish the worry of the medical bills.
On my birthday July 31st crying in the shower telling Him I want to give it to him, all of it, all of my worries, all of my fears, all of my concerns, EVERYTHING. To come to realize (by my husband) 3wks later that I had not been worrying about it, talking about, or even thinking about it . Thanking Him for helping me overcome this "worrying of finances" that I have walked in for years. Then hearing on the 4th week( a month later), @ M.D.A. that my medical bills were gonna be paid 100%!!!!! Yeah, HE IS MY BANKER!!!!!
Thinking of all the conversations I have had with people @ M.D.Anderson and outside of it, thinking of how many people have told me that "You are so inspiring", "What an inspiration you are".
All my desire was and has been is that may my God be glorified in it all, may He be seen in it all, and how I walk it out, may it be pleasing to Him. That has been my hearts desire!
I am an overcomer, in soooo many ways! Praise God!!!!! By His grace and mercy....
This week finding out Clear CLEAR Clear. No cancer & heart is fine! Woooohoooo.
I thank you all for showering me with love in so many ways. I thank you all for showering my family with love as well.
My husband has been sooo wonderful threw this. Chris, I love you sooooooo much and feel blessed to have you as my best friend and partner for life! Watching you step up to the plate while I was away being Husband/Father/caretaker/provider/cook, and loving me when I was sick and moody. I love you I love you I love you....
My kiddos Gage,Kolbi,Bailey, and Shetharoonie, thank you for dealing with me and all of my transitions. For the words of encouragement,for being my cheerleaders,for helping with the house,and for loving me. I can't express how blessed I am to have such amazing kids! How special our family is. Special and unique! All hand picked and placed together by Our amazing Heavenly Father! I love yall sooooo much.
My mom for being here threw sooo much of my voyage! Gosh pretty much every step of the way....... Don't you love how God heals,how God restores! All I can say is wooooow and praise God! Thank you thank you and I love you so much....
I could go on and on with "Thank you's" to so many people. People that have walked this out with me consistently! I am chuckling, cause if I don't a river will flow from my eyes.
Something so tragic has brought so many blessings....
We all have so much to be thankful for. I pray that as Thanksgiving comes, we don't just get swooped up with Christmas shopping and the hussel and bussel that we can so easily get swallowed in. But that we stop and pause, thinking back to January and then through the year of all of the things we have gone through. Think of all the blessings that have been given, and give Him praise for it! How He provides,how He heals,how He restores, how He loves, how He carries us, how He comforts us, how He listens, and how He answers.
I love how HE loves us!
So now the next faze... I start radiation the Monday after Thanksgiving. I will be in Houston Mon.- Friday and come home for the weekend for 3 &1/2 wks. Please keep my family and I in prayer as this will be a really big adjustment for us that we have not experienced.
I thank yall again for all the prayers, I feel like I have a army of prayer worries that have been walking with me in this the entire time. What an amazing feeling it is....
Much love sent to all !

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I can not believe I am here! Round 12, the grand bang will be here next week! I am overwhelmed with joy! I go meet with the radiologist tomorrow afternoon, which is good. I can have some questions answered.
The last few treatments have been a bit different, with getting sick before, during, and after treatment. Along with HOT FLASHES!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, let me tell ya how fun that is! One of the lovely side effects of chemo! ARRRRRRRRG! Glad this wasn't happening the entire time!
Well, as some know already, my medical bills have been PAID IN FULL! I am in aw of God!
I don't have to much to say today, just ask that you would look around you to see where God is @ work. Look and see what He is doing around you, and wanting to do in and through you .Join Him!!!! Give Him praise were He so deserves.
Talk to you soooooooooon! Many blessings sent to you all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Update from Kristi - September 20th

Hello everyone, I hope all have been doing well and have had a great weekend.

This upcoming week will be round 9. The schedule this week is Tuesday I have some more testing to do, then on Wednesday I meet with the Dr. for results and then chemo.
I know some have been asking "How much longer?" and "What is the rest of the plan?"
As far as I know right now, I will have three more treatments after this one. Last chemo treatment is scheduled for the first week in November. After that I will get a 3 wk break, which will bring us to Thanksgiving I think, then I will have to stay in Houston for 3 & 1/2 weeks to do radiation treatments daily. I am planning on coming home on the weekends though, and will admit that I am gonna miss my family tremendously. I know God has a plan in this , and I am so blessed that my cousin Tricia and her family have opened up there home to me through out this entire time. I know so many people have to stay in hotels and such, so it really has been a HUGE blessing. I am hoping that this will be all said and done by Christmas, and that the New Year will start off with a clean bill of health.

The cards that are sent to me are so uplifting and encouraging, I have them all hung up in my living room as a constant reminder of the love, prayers, and support system that my family and I have.The messages that are sent through facebook and email are so moving I can not express the gratitude that I feel , words just do not seem to be enough or do justice. I smile, tear up, fall to my knees and pray that as I have been so richly blessed through my family and friendships that you would be blessed in return. This might sound kinda corny, but, i knew I was import and mattered to some people, but never realized the impact that you could have on people (past and present) in such a big way. A "thank you" goes out to yall who have shared those "moments" with me. It has opened my eyes to a new level of how every minute and moment counts, you touch peoples lives when you don't even realize you are. God has done soooo much for my family in this season that we have been in, HIS hand has/is,and will continue to be seen. I will continue to give Him praise through this, for He is sooooo worthy of it, I am humbled by His love for us.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello lovely friends and family!
I am sorry I have not written in a while, after I wrote the last one, some things had changed. My chemo treatment had gotten postponed again due to my white blood count. I had to receive a shot on that Thurs., and another on that Friday to end up going back to Houston on Monday for chemo.
So treatments were set back a week. I went back up this Tues. Aug.25th to get blood work done, and to see the Dr. . We are going to do the shot each time after now to help my white count stay up. We have also decided to do radiation after the chemo is done (3 wks after), and it will last 3 1/2 wks long ( I will be able to come home on the weekends). Honestly , that is not music to my ears( being away from my family so long and especially around the holidays), but I know this is going to bump up the % of it not coming back.
So I finished my 7th round of chemo yesterday (Wed.26th). My Dr. has told me I have antisipritory disorder, it is the naseu and angziety that comes before treatment. I thought it was a joke, but he said it's in the text books. You can't controle it, it's your brain. This time before was the worst, as I did sence each time a little bit more and more. This time a actually was getting sick. So My Dr. prescribed me some meds to take prior to, gosh did that help! THANK YOU LORD!!!!! I think one of the worst things is freaking out about something that is not even happening yet, that you know isn't that horrible, telling yourself "what in the world are you doing and why are you doing it", praying that tis would go away and speaking to your subconscience and no change. TOTALLY out of your controle.
I am just so thankful that there is something that will give me some relief! You just have no idea....
So I will be home today, I have been missing my family a bunch this time. Trying not to worry about them being that this was all of there first week of school, but feeling very thankful that I was able to be there for there first day. Thankful that people helped out with meals for them.

I am so proud to say that God has provided in such big ways lately. We are finished paying off our San Marcos hospital bills ! Thank you Lord and for all the support from people out here, some that I have never meet before. I pray that God's blessings will fall upon you in just the perfect way and just the perfect timing that you have no doubt where it is coming from "Your heavenly Father". My hope and prayer was that I wouldn't receive one of M.D.Anderson bill until l paid off the ones near my home. THAT HAS BEEN THE CASE!
I was called down to the billing office yesterday @ M.D.Anderson and asked them when should I expect one from them, and they said they don't understand why i haven't. They said you usually start getting them a month after . O.K. guys and gals, I started in May! Heeeeeeeeeeeeello! Looks like Papa has answered my prayers once again. lol

Prayer request: I am prating now that when my husband sends our tax papers to them this week that we will and would be covered for more then 50% if not 100%, That would be amazing, and I know God could do this He has already done so many huge things.
Please stand with me in prayer as we continue to walk this out, as I lay this in my Papa's hands, not piece by piece, but everything, all of it.
I thank you all for the love, prayers,and support that my family and I have been given, felt, and received. I thank God so very much for you.

**Praise Report**
God has been doing great things this summer in my family.
** Bailey ( My cute, wonderful and unique Bailey Bug who is 11 now and starting Jr. High this year) Has given his life to Christ and followed through in baptism. Praise you Father, your ways, your timing, and not our own,
** Kolbi Lynn ( My beautiful, outgoing, 14yr.old Kokobean, who loves her sports!) Has went on a mission trip, has heard her Father's voice, Is on her 2nd Bible study, and wants to walk the walk she has already committed to.
** Gage (My handsome SENIOR the Gagester! Agggggggg I can't believe I'm saying that already) Who has went to serve @ a Christian camp for 3weeks this summer, who is earnestly seeking God in so many ways, including his future disitions, and who is also preparing to walk out his disition of baptism to show the commitment he has and is making
too. To walk the walk not just talk the talk!
** Sheth( Ahh little Shetharooni, who is starting kinder this year and just turned 6, the one with spunk and ditermination). We sit and wait to see what great things are ahead for him, He sits and watches his siblings oh so carefully and loves them soooo. He sits and prays for his momma every night and says he knows Jesus will heal her, and also prays that his teacher will have Jesus in her heart. I see the work already @ hand.

What satin may come to try to steal, kill, or destroy, GOD WORKS OUT FOR HIS GOOD!! FOR HIS GLORY!!!! Amen! Come on, give me a AMEN!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today I leave to head back to Houston. ROUND 6! Half way done, and I can't believe it! Have my eyes set on October...

My mind has been very busy these days with trying to understand the things I am being taught. Patients, giving things up (not in my timing or my control), appreciating the little things (the details/thought behind things/the heart), seeing how God is showing His love to me, by getting roses delivered, bills getting paid one @ a time,kids school supplies being paid for. Realizing that this is my body, even though it may have issues, it is the one that HE has chosen for me! My journey that He has called me to walk out. Seeing Him as my PROVIDER, not just saying it or knowing it, but claiming it! He is who He says He is and walking in faith that He will do what He says He can do! I have been trying to understand and work things out with my human mind, and that is not how my Papa works at all.

I am so very blessed by the family and friends that are placed in my life. My birthday was such a special one! I had know idea that my lovely friends were going to come kidnap me, blindfold me, and take me away to a surprise party where my handsome husband and spectacular friends would be! It was such a wonderful evening, and I definitely felt the love.
Today I am rejoicing in being half way done! Part of this feels like it is going by soooo fast and the other part feels , well, not so much! ha

School starting for the kids is right around the corner on the 24th, all enrolled and getting excited. The funny reality of Sheth starting Kinder, and Gage graduating High school all in the same year is quite amusing! As well as the shock of Gage turning 17 yesterday is putting plenty of things in a new light. Where have all the years gone? The time that we have with our kiddos seem to fly by so very fast.We hope and pray that we are doing all we can do to prepare them emotionally and spiritually . I love them sooo very much! Each one so special and unique.
I am a very proud mom , and look forward to seeing what this year is gonna hold for all of them, but especially Mr. Senior, and pray it is the best year ever. Kolbi is all excited about getting into sports again, as Bailey bug is starting his 1st year of Jr.High ! And Sheth, well he told me "I am kinda nervous about starting cause there will be a bunch of people there ." I on the other hand really have no worries about Mr.Social butterfly! lol

Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and a blessed week. Much love sent.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yesterday was a long, long, veeeery long day! It was very exhausting, so at the end of the day I was zonked! I am very happy to say that the PET scan came back as clear. I have two print outs(of the PET scans) one of before(in May) and one from yesterday which is truly wowing to see side by side.
There was a spot which was around my spine that he know thinks could have been part of the cancer because it is gone. I know some people are wondering "Does this mean no more chemo"? Unfortunately not, I am sad to say! Still have to continue on !
To be honest, yesterday was like a bitter sweet to me, I know that sounds crazy. After we talked about the test results, we talked about radiation afterward. He explained that it is something he is gonna want me to see a radiologist about. He told me that he has some patients that are young that are having relapses of lymphoma, and when it comes back it comes back with a vengeance. He said what he is seeing is very sad (with those patients), but with radiation it brings your percentage of not coming back higher. He(Dr.Fowler) said that he is probl. gonna bring my case up for review @ a board meeting with lymphoma Dr.'s and radiologist.
The other side is radiation has it's own side effects such as heart attacks, breast cancer, etc. in years to come. So I wasn't running out of the building screaming unfortunately!
More on information shock or another reality of how serious this is, and again how it is totally out of our control. I am soooo very thankful that I am clear, and the Dr. is very happy with how fast this has cleared up. Just very emotional going through it, the thought of me already having the cervical cancer a few years ago, now this , and the possibilities of something in the future doesn't sound appealing. That is me being a human and my raw feelings. I know none of us know what can happen tomorrow nor 10 - 20 years from now, but when you have to hear it or think about it, it's kind of shocking.Again I have to give all of me, to my Papa! Of course I prefer side effects rather then a beast coming back, that is a no brainer, just very emotional. Ya know! I'll be 35 this month and wish for a couple of days I could make it all go away, go to "never never land" lol that would be sweeeet! If anyone has transportation there, would you please consider taking me! Haha
I thank all of yall for all the prayers and for walking with me in this, but the journey is not finished yet. So please continue to be in prayer with me, not just for me but my family as well. Love all of you bunches, and pray that all have a blessed week.
Round 5 is today!
May our Father get all the praise in this....... Our great physician and healer .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catching everyone up to speed. Today is Monday the 21st, and Saturday made a week of the shaved head! Yes, I am sporting the bald look! To hot for a wig or a hat for that matter, and praise God that he has given my a decent one! (head that is :O) )
Today was suppose to be the PET scan, but got there and they forgot to remind me not to eat for 6 hrs before. So It is rescheduled for tomorrow @ 8:00am and results should also be tomorrow.
It has been a good two weeks, just a bit tired. Still trying to hand over the money situation to God and leave it there. To be honest it is my biggest struggle seeing how it just increases each time by the thousands. It's hard to grasp or swallow when you can predict the ballpark figure that this will end up in. I drive down the road in thought, and my mom asks "what are you thinking about". I respond "thinking about not thinking about the bills", and continued saying "If they cross your mind, they stay there for a minute and then worry sets in again, which then makes you frustrated cause your not suppose to be worrying @ all since you placed @ the foot of the cross". I am trying to leave them there, I am trying to leave a bunch of things there and not worry about them. I know it does no good, I know my life is way more valuable and doesn't have a price value on it. More precious then silver, more costly then Gold. I know it's just money, just didn't plan "I didn't plan" for us to be in debt! Did not want that to happen! Just goes to show you how things aren't really in our control @ all. That is my prayer request, that I can totally be free of the worry. That it would not have any hold on me. It is my reality, but I do not need to be imprisoned by it.
I look @ my lovely kiddos, and see how they are growing from this. I see how blessed I am to have such a bunch of beautiful, helpful, and loving kids along with an amazing husband.
No none of us perfect, but all hand chosen and placed together by God and His great hand. Which is far more important to me then any bill of any amount.
My youngest just turned 6 last Friday, which made Chris and I feel wowed! Which then lead to the thought of :Our oldest is graduating this year and our youngest is starting school ! That is a crazy thought... Can't imagine all that this year is going to hold/bring.
I am resting in the comfort of my Papa's arms. I find myself wandering some times, look back and see Him still standing there waiting for me . I am thankful to have such a loving Father that is always there. Sometimes walking besides us, sometimes running to catch us, and other times carrying us! I love how He loves me.....
Thank you for the prayers and ask for them to continue.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

7/10 Update from Kristi

Good morning everyone.

I will start with Wed. when Steph & I left. On our way we stopped off for some Taco Bell!!! I was really wanting a bean burrito ! yuuuuuuuum and cringing about Steph's pictures that she was taking of our trip! So then off to the Dr.'s appointment.

Dr. said that he thought I am looking really well, and he is feeling really good about this. My blood counts were low so I will be needing to do another Lunasta shot. It was good to hear that he feels good about all of this. Music to my ears.... I had to talk to someone about the money situation and to give them a dollar ammount, so if yall can be in prayer about that/this it would be greatly appreciated.I know my God is a big one, and He can move mountains that's for sure. He can do the impossible .. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Next time I go, I will be having a PET scan again to see if the cancer is gone, which I am believing in. Yesterday I did not get sick, praise God, just slept through the night. Maybe driving had to do with me getting sick on the way home. We will see!

We are leaving and going back home today, I thank you all for your loving thoughts and prayers. Truly thanking God for taking care of my babies while I am away. Thank you Koko, and Wyana, I love the pictures of them and there adventures. Hope all have a very blessed day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Day at the Beach

Thank you Michelle for this lovely personalized "Berry Beach", letting me be able to dream... Dream a little dreeeam with me! It is the next best thing to actually going there, along with smores! No complaining over here....

It's moments like this that make going through this a bit more easier.

On another note, I just found out that my white blood count for this past week are dipping again! Arrrrg.... So I wont be shocked if I have to get another Lunasta shot in the tummy tum tum 24 hours after chemo... I just wish there was something I could do, something I could take to help them stay up. Another reality of how this is so out of my hands and in my Papa's. This week has been kinda emotional so far, feel so week to be almost 35. I know it's just for a season, try to keep thinking that this season is shorter then being pregnant. Not sure if that thought is helping or not...

Well I will be Houston bound with Steph - for round 4! And I am so grateful to and for her. Wednesday is Dr. visit/ blood, and Thurs. morning is chemo !

Sending much love out to all...


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30th Update from Kristi

Hello all, these past few days haven't been the best. Very tired, and drained, along with some nausea. As some of you know I had to go to the E.R. on Friday. My arm ( not the same arm, this time the right with my PIC line in it) was swelling and we still are not sure why. They did check to see if there were any blood clots, which there weere not. Thank God! Just a wait and see kinda thing,waiting to see if I run fever of 101 or my arm gets red, or swells more! All lovely things.... So far , so good Praise God.

More hair is falling out each day, just waiting on when the day will be here to say "good bye" to the rest of it. Wishing I could sit at the beach listen to the waves, and sink my feet into the sand as I close me eyes and relax. Sounds nice huh! I know there is always next year, but today and this week is "this year", and what I am feeling in "the now".So to anyone that is going, take a deep breath in for me and revile in the moment please... Can't last outside for very long at all these days, it's just to darn HOT! I melt just opening the door. Honestly I'm just trying to get to day 7(after chemo), and trying to keep up with the 2 bible studies I am doing. Both important to me, one being with my small group, the other with my daughter and some other lovely ladies and their daughters as well.

I will say that through this season of life that we are in, I am seeing a side of my hubby that I haven't seen before, our relationship transforming into something that I didn't know it could be. Something even more beautiful! Me peeling away a outer coating of myself that has been hanging on for a while now even years, A part that needed to go . A part that felt like it had to protect ones self,that couldn't be needy, a part that could do for herself, a part called self sufficiency. Just like a scab on a wound that is healing as it is coming off is just like what this feels.You know that afterward there will be a healthy layer under it, one that is restored. Yeah, my Daddy is sure doing some good stuff !

Sorry to any that have called and I haven't responded back. I am just sooo tired and just don't have a bunch in me. I send so many thanks out again for all the loving hands that have been touching my family with love. My kids are greatly appreciating each and every thing. For the loving and inspiring cards that are received that truly put a smile on my face. Thank you... Also to those that I do not know, aww how it touches me! I thank you for your tender and caring hearts. May God continue to pour out His blessings......

Friday, June 26, 2009


Just received a text from Kristi - no blood clot. They are sending her home. She said they are planning to keep an eye on it - wait and see. Thanks for all the prayers!

Urgent Prayer Request

Please be in prayer for Kristi. I just received word that she's in the ER with some swelling in her arm. The doctors are doing an ultrasound to see if it is a bloodclot, possibly related to her chemo treatment yesterday. I will update as I hear more.

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Update

Hello to all!

I know I haven't written in a while, and sorry about that, but I have been pondering stuff and looking at what will possibly be "normal routinage" and what not so normal, gazing @ what God is doing in my life and the lives around me through this and aw struck by it.

Last treatment went fine and I was sick the day of chemo and that following Tuesday, and some weird mouth soreness & sensitivity. Food tasted weird during the first few days and with the soreness ya don't feel like talking much! I had a reaction from the lunasta shot I had to get from my lovely friend Wyana (love you ;O) ) and that felt like braxton hicks when ur prego ! Aches in my lower back/hips/legs in my bones... Which only lasted 3dys PRAISE GOD! haha Then like clock work on the 7th day, I started feeling little more like myself! Each day better and better until yep! treatment day which is this Thursday (round 3). The days and weeks seemed blurred all together, just glad my heads connected to my body these days lol! I have noticed my hair thinning these past few days, which is not noticeable to some, but I can def. notice because my hair was THICK... So I have been praising God for a little extra time that I have with hair on my head. Not really too worried about it leaving me anymore, and thinking of all the ways I can sport the bald head. Anybody want to join me in the "bald head movement"? I think that could be great fun! haha

They might try this new patch on me that helps with the nausea for 5dys, so we will see.
God is so good! Do you realize how good He is? I can not formulate words to describe how captivated I am , how enamored I am by Him... I pray you take the time to look and see, not just in the big things, but in the little things as well. We take so much for granted each day, each moment, and blow off so much as coincidence. Pry your eyes open, make every minute count, live like today is your last, touch someones life, give our Father the praise He so deserves.... LIVE OUT LOUD! I saw a billboard on a church this weekend and it said "Only dead fish go with the current". What I read in that is a reminder: "we are called to be set apart, different from the world not rolling with it".

I look forward to the end of this because I know my Father is doing great things in me, things that needed some tweaking. I know I am not gonna be the same person that started this voyage. Neither do I want to be.... God has placed some amazing friends and family in my life to pray with me in this, to walk this out with me, to send me little "I love u's" on my text, love to my family, cards in the mail, messages through facebook. They are all noticed, deeply appreciated, and much needed. I thank God for each one of you, and pray blessings over you and yours. As much as you might be inspired by me and what I am going through, I am inspired by your heart and actions. Love is a powerful thing, it's the greatest gift.

Hope all are having a beautiful day friends.

Psalms 107:9
For He has satisfied the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Quick Note from Missy

Hi! I know many of yall check Kristi's blog daily, so I wanted to let you know that I'll be on vacation for the next week. I spoke with Kristi this morning, and she's sounding very good! If anything happens over the next week that needs to be posted here, she'll call to let me know and I'll find a computer somewhere. Otherwise, we'll have an update for you in about a week. Thanks so much for your faithfulness to pray! Be blessed!

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12th update from Kristi

Hello all!

Yesterday's chemo went fine, but just like last time I was sick afterward. My car ride home is 2 1/2 hrs, and I was sick the entire way . Today has been a bit better, but still nauseated. Looking back at last time, it seemed to be the same, just a bit sicker yesterday. I guess if I have one really yucky day, there's not much to complain about is there! Really not up for the small talk today, or computer but wanted to fill yall in! Prayers for sickness to dissipate is greatly appreciated. Hope all have a blessed day! Love sent!

P.S. I did have to go to the Business Center yesterday and will have to meet with them in July to talk about how much I can pay monthly. Prayer for discernment, and financial provision in this.
My life is priceless, and I know this is going to be a large some of money when it's all said and done. I again am placing this in my Big Pap;as hands..... I can not worry about that (the $) , I have family and friends that love and support me and my Father who is carrying me through this. It reminds me of "footprints in the sand"....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10th Update from Kristi

Job 26:14 "These are some of the minor things He does,merely a whisper of His power.Who then can withstand His thunder?" Be in awww of God , inspired by what is going on, and what is to come! ;O)

Today went really well! I met with my Dr, and I did find out that my white blood count is a bit low already, so I will hv to give myself a shot 24hrs. after chemo. No biggie.

I ran into the girl from last time today (the one that her husband lost his job) and her name is April. Now we know who to pray for, "The King family". She is so sweet, and we hung out there for most of the day. She had already went down and got her wig and so we went down to get one for me as well! It's too funny, we were trying them on and laughing and ended up getting the same one. My husband chose me to be a brunette instead of a blond, surprise surprise! ;O) I'm thinking I might be a wig wearer on Sundays and date nights with my hubby! haha , we will see! Hair is still very "there" on my head.... I know April wasn't placed in my life by chance, and I told her there are people praying for her. She has 3 children, 6,3, and 8months and I found out her sister lives in Mississippi and hasn't seen her in a few yrs, and her mom is in prison, not much family around. She is involved in her church which was nice to hear, and they have been helping with the comings and goings to M D Anderson (they live 5hrs. away). So please continue to pray for them, she has stage 4 non-Hodgkin's cell.

I have my second chemo treatment tomorrow @ 10 and they are giving me some different meds along with it to help with nausea. I am feeling really good and ready for tomorrow and what it holds.

I sit in aw with everything God is doing in our lives, all the many blessings He is pouring out onto my family and I. I never thought in a million years that something like this would happen and I would be happy about it. He is filling me with peace, peace beyond what my mind can comprehend.... Love, His love, I am seeing in a total new perspective. I know that who I was at the beginning this, I am not going to be in the end. My Father is my potter, and I am the willing clay, the clay that He has been shaping and molding for a few years now. Clay that is taking shape into what He sees as beautiful, a masterpiece in the making. He has said I am chosen, He calls me His own, I am created in His imagine, uniquely wonderfully made. My daddy loves me, and I am only getting a glimpse merely a whisper of it. I am rejoicing for my situation that I am placed in, and can't even imagine what the end holds, but my eyes are fixated there and there they will stay.

Note from Missy: Many have asked how to leave a comment after a post. The easiest way is to get a Google account ( Alternatively, leave a message in the Guestbook at the bottom of the blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Many Waters Cannot Quench Love

Kristi asked me to post this beautiful note that Stephanie Cherry wrote...

It's late and I just got in from a date with my bestie. I sit here in the Conservatory (I have a Conservatory, funny) writing and thinking. I have a heavy heart watching Kristi go through all of the things that she is going through. Have you ever wished you could throw up for someone so that they didn't have to? Now, I am no fan of throwing up, mind you, but I would do it if I could. I must say to you though...I am praising God for her trials!! I love to watch Big Papa work!! It's a Holy Ghost carpet ride through wonders and beauty. Jehova Rapha has been at work healing relationships and hearts through her struggle. Jehova Jireh has poured out provision. I am grateful that I get to watch. I get a little of the Holy Spirit overflow. I love it.

As I sit here typing away, I am thinking about Hosea. Do you know the story? Love like that is rarely seen these days. Love like that is in books and old movies. That leads me to a question. What moves you? What fills your cup? I want to get to know you. If anything makes you kinder, stronger, more fierce, more passionate, more playful....I want to know what it is. Share.

Many waters cannot quench love;
Rivers cannot wash it away . . .

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update from Kristi 6/6/09

Hello to all and I send lots of love and thank yous to everyone.

I must say that the last past 2 days have been better. Which is such a good thing! I will say this past Tuesday, I tried to go outside with Sheth and the heat must have really gotten to me. I say I was out there maybe 10 min. tops then came a major headache and then I got sick. "Note to self : Be careful outside in the heat". This morning I also noticed my fingertips feeling like pins and needles, so I did call and inform the Dr.'s office.

Looking forward to the weekend and a few normal days until the next chemo treatment on Thursday, then 1 cycle will be down! I have been having a bit of what some people call "chemo brain" I guess or "medicine head". But not to bad, and hair is all attached by its own will on my head still Just sporting the new do! . No gluing, Velcro or tape has been needed yet! hahahaha Gotta have some humor honey bunnies! :o)

I am still in aw of everyone and there love for me and my family, not that there was ever any doubt, but I am basking in it and want yall to know how greatly appreciated I am by it all. The cards sent, scriptures written, and text, emails sent, & little love notes of kindness are so much appreciated and help so much on a "not so good day". I have all my cards hanging up in a certain area so that they are seen and easily assessable when in need of a smile or a little love felt. God's timing is perfect, His love measureless and never ending. All consuming Father..... PRICELESS!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Practical Ways to Help Kristi and Her Family

Good Morning!

The treatment plan is set, the calendar is updated, and each need placed on it has been covered in prayer.

As some of you already know, Kristi is unable to participate in many of her normal activities. Weeding her garden, taking the kids down to the pool, or even being out in the sun for an extended time are things she will lay down for this season. We have tried to be creative with ideas for the calendar that will help the Berry household run as close to normal as possible. Our Father has every one of these requested needs in the palm of his hand and has already been so faithful to meet every single need for this family so far.

Thank you for all the supportive emails, messages, and calls. It is truly an amazing blessing to see such an out-pour of Gods love.

Above all else, please continue to pray for God's hand over them in all that he has planed for them. He will receive all the glory through this journey!

To access Kristi Berry's personal CareCalendar site, visit and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces:


Monday, June 1, 2009

Update from Kristi - Over the Weekend

Well reflecting back over the weekend...

Thursday was chemo day, and that night I got sick 3 times. My heart felt like it was racing, so it was hard to go to sleep, but I finally did.

Friday I just felt blah, moody, and easily agitated. The doctor sent me home with some meds to help my with nausea and help with sleep as well. My mom and I had to go to 2 classes, and we went home with a bunch of sterile kits for the cleaning of my pic line and stuff to flush the line out daily. Finally we were on the way home! Yes still moody! ;O) There was a young couple that we had been seeing around and in my "bla-ness" the husband asked what stage I was in, since his wife had a arm band the same color as mine (lime green/lymphoma) I said stage 2. From that point on what he said keeps replaying in my mind "His wife has stage 4, and it's in her bone marrow She has Non-Hodgkin's large cell B. They have an 8 month old child, along with 2 other kids that are I think 3 and 5 or 6." They also do not have insurance, and they had been going back and forth with the doctor from where they live for 2 months before finding out. To top it off his job fired him because of how much time he was taking off to be with his wife as she was going through her tests. When you hear something like this, it puts things into great perspective! My heart goes out to them, and even though we may not know there names, God does. please be in prayer for them with me. For them to find out who God is and what He does for His children, for His peace to cover them and His hand carry them, that there finances be provided for, that there needs would be meet. That the find a church home and that they get showered with support and love. Please lift them up in prayer with me...

Saturday felt better, had some rest and had enough energy to socialize for a bit with some friends in the afternoon.

Sunday, extremely tired, nauseated off and on throughout the day, some ache in my finger joints a bit, along with being a bit emotional. Stayed around the house trying to understand my body and track how it is responding to see what is different or the same the next go round. My friend Jaclyn is chopping my hair for me tomorrow (Monday) , cause I found a cut that I like, for a step in transition.... Yes it will be short! Been there and done that before, but it was by choice that time, this time is a bit different! Trying to talk to myself about the visual change that will be taking place very soon, but honestly I know that nothing can really prepare you for this. Soooo doing the best I can do with each day that I am in. So far the feelings of emotions are very similar to pregnancy, meaning the feeling of being on an emotional roller coaster , my mind seems blank a lot of the times & I think that is from information overload. . Please do not think I am complaining, just sharing what is going on with me , since I know some are wondering what is going on and how I am doing. So far not so bad, and resting in God's grace. Hope all had a lovely weekend! Much love sent!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Not Feeling Well

From Missy - I just heard that Kristi is already having some sickness from her first chemo treatment. Please pray for God's peace to flow over her and that the discomfort would pass quickly. Thanks!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/28 from Kristi

Today is done! went well as things can go.... So now I hope for a restful sleep... Thanks for all the prayers again.... Tired so I think sleep will be coming sooner rather then later....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5/27 Update from Kristi

Woooow today was long, and tomorrow will be, too. I had my pic line put in, chest x-ray done, spoke with the doctor, and ran back and forth from one building to the next! Results came back as Hodgkin's, so this means chemo treatments every 2wks for 6months.... That is an answered prayer for sure! Another blessing is the 50% that MD Anderson covers also applies to meds! So that is great news as well...

My doctor gave me some meds to cut some of the pain from the pic line being put in so waiting for that to kick in... Tomorrow I have to go to a class to show how to take care/ clean my line out, another test with my breathing, 1st chemo treatment at 3:30 which will take 3 hours, and talking to some people in the administration department. Friday another class and hopefully home after that! God is good and definitly in the mix of things.

As I was getting the pic line done, I was lying there thinking. Thinking about all this time, as life passes us by, as we go through the motions, we hear of this person or that person who has cancer and feel sadness or a sense of grief for that person, or we see someone that is going through it by the sign of loss of hair, but that is where it stops. We don't really think beyond that, we never really have to, until we are in it. How many tests are involved, all the poking and prodding, the moments of pain, the tears that are shed, the receiving of the reality that all is out of our hands and you decide to solely trust God... I have a peace through all of this that God has me right where He wants me, and I know there is a purpose and plan in all things.. Sometimes I lie on the table feeling like a Guinea pig, thinking about how soon, very soon, I will have a bald head, how will people treat me, I don't want to be treated different or sickly... A tear will fall, and then I remember I laid it down, I laid it all down, for the joy of the Lord.... That is where I rest my head, in my Big Papa's hands.... Nighty night friends...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5/26 Oncology Appointment - Update from Kristi

Well, I met with the doctor today, and the great news is that I do not have it in my bones or in any organs! The preliminary came back but the doctor can't give me a definite answer yet on what kind of cancer it is until further information comes in, which we are hoping for tomorrow (the holiday delayed everything). He is leaning more towards Hodgkins though now, but he is still waiting. Tomorrow I will get my pic line put in and if it is Hodgkins will probably have my first chemo treatment as well.

He has filled me in on some of my life style changes that I will need to be aware of, and I'm trying to swallow the hair loss which will be 3weeks after the first treatment. So Jaclyn, we will probably need to chity chat soon! No more gardening for a while for me! Which anyone who knows me, knows that is a real bummer... No more walking around bare foot, or getting in the pool with my kiddos (because of the pic line they are putting in my arm) just things I guess ya just take for granted ya know! I know this is for a season, and all seasons have an end... Well, unless ya live in New Orleans or the south for that matter! haha If it's not Hodgkins and it is large cell lymphoma, I will have to be admitted to the hospital for 5 days for treatment ! So lets pray it's not that!

Wish I had more to say or tell, but just really happy right now it is not in my bones or organs! Thank you GOD.... Thanks again, for all the prayers and love and I will keep you updated as things progress! Much love sent to all.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Thought to Ponder on this Beautiful Day!

This is a quote I saw on the Living Proof Ministry blog. I thought it was so inspiring, so I thought I'd share!

"Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Grab life by the mane. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention. Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God. Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution. Stop repeating the past and start creating the future. Stop playing it safe and start taking risks. Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Consider the lilies. Enjoy the journey. Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can. Live like today is the first day and last day of your life. Don't let what's wrong with you keep you from worshipping what's right with God. Burn sinful bridges. Blaze a new trail. Criticize by creating. Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks. Don't try to be who you're not. Be yourself. Laugh at yourself. Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away. Chase the lion."
- Mark Batterson

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update from Kristi

Well, glad today is finally over! The last of the tests!Yeeeeea... I am tired, and trying to fight off this sinus headache! All went fine with the biopsy though so that is great news! Thank you all for your prayers, the support means sooo much! Just knowing you have so many people that care and that are walking with you in this means so much! Now looking forward to Tuesday to get results and get the plan in action.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update from Kristi

Yesterday was a rough day for me, as my roller coaster journey of emotions has begun! My days truly are day to day, which is hard for me being that I like to plan and have things organized and structured. I seemed to get emotional with the simplest questions, which then in return makes me feel stupid so I'd cry again.... Just not a good day, but still have my peace that I am holding onto. That is what gets me through the day....

Today though, I think with sleep and journaling in my book, along with prayer is better.

*Next week on Tuesday (5/19) I go to meet for my consultation and with the anesthesiologist for my biopsy, so that will be an easy day. I decided to be put under since my last experience with my chest biopsy kinda overwhelmed me a bit - seeing everything the doctor was doing and hearing them talk, along with the monitor being on the other side of my face and feeling it... Yeah, wasn't my cup of tea! ;O) Then Wednesday I go in at 10:30, procedure will be at 12:30, and I should be out be 4:30. So please pray that this one will be a good biopsy and NOT get crushed!

*The following week on Tuesday (5/26) I have an appointment to meet with the doctor for my results of the bone marrow test, PET scan, cardio scan and biopsy. That is when we will find out what we are exactly dealing with and our plan of action! It won't surprise me if the doctor wants to get me in ASAP after that to start chemo, being that is what he was going to do before he realized the biopsy scheduling wouldn't be right away.

I went to the Relay for Life Friday night and a lady from the cancer association was talking to me. She said there was room on the platform for me and she would love for me to share my testimony/story/journey with cancer. She said it would give God so much glory, and thousands would be able to hear it. Anybody that knows me "knows" that I can not staaaaand getting up in front of people, especially people I do not know... It will have to be God orchestrated, and His timing that is for sure.... So, we will see... She said it would also be great to have someone that is my age up there as well, to touch lives and to remind people this fight is not just an age thing. It can happen to anyone. So pray with me in that please! Hope all have /had a wonderful weekend. It's good to be home with my family again.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Upcoming Plans from Kristi

Kristi sends this update today:

Today they are trying to schedule me for (next week)
Wed. :pre val & anesthesia consult for biopsy
Thurs.: biopsy
and the following week probl. Dr. apt. on Tues. (@ this apt. they will know what we are dealing with and the plan of action)
Please continue to be in prayer for God's hand in the decision making process and with the anesthesiologist.

Let's continue on in prayer :)

Glitch with Paypal / ChipIn

We had a small glitch with the Paypal system. For some reason the ChipIn was not sending the money to Kristi's account. If you donated before May 14th, your money is sitting in your Paypal account. Please cancel the transaction and resend via the ChipIn. Both accounts were reset and are working perfect. Thank you. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update from Kristi - Day 2 at MD Anderson

Today was a really rough day. The usual bone marrow test is 10-15 minutes , but mine took almost an hour ! They did 2, one on each side and had to also take a biopsy of the marrow. My bones are also very good and thick so that took some time as well. I had a local , and needless to say, I won't be doing that again unless I am under. That huuuuuurt!

I met this older lady named Rose there who is also going to be having chemo done. God uses us in the everyday or should I say all/any situations! Go God, even in the midst of a not so good situation..... Supposed to be home for the weekend, looking forward to time with my family, gosh I miss them! I thank all of you again for your hearts and prayers, food for my family, help with my kids, and financial support. You have no idea how humbled I am by all of this, know idea at all..... be blessed...

An Update from Kristi - First Day at MD Anderson

Today was a busy day, the place is like a metropolis ! Wild and crazy stuff! I really like my Dr., and he reminds me of Hugh Grant with lighter hair! Nope, no English accent either... ;O) Today was just meeting with him, filling out papers and getting blood work done. He thinks it's either Hochkins or large cell lymphoma, but leaning more to "large cell". Tomorrow will be a day of testing. cardiograph (to make sure my heart is strong), bone marrow test (to make sure it's not in my bones, since this is cancer of the blood), and PET scan (to make sure I don't have it in any of my organs). Tonight dinner and tomorrows breakfast are no carbs or sugars and can not eat anything after 8am until PET test is over and that is for 4:30pm! Arrrrg [:o / I DO have to have another biopsy but that is not scheduled yet, but he is hoping for it to be Friday. He wants to have all these tests done ASAP so we can start chemo right away. Hope all had a blessed day! Tiiiiill next time...

p.s. from Missy - If you are like me, you are probably wondering what the prognosis is and what exactly will be involved in her treatment! It is still too early for them to say with certainty which type of lymphoma they are dealing with and to specify the exact treatment plan. So, let's continue to pray for clarity and wisdom for her doctors! I am encouraged and believe that our sweet Kristi is going to do great! We are with her every step of the way!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Prayer for Kristi by Beth Varnado Luca

LORD, I lift up Kristi, as she enters the next week of testing.

I pray that you would provide her with the very best medical team there is at MD Anderson.

That not one cell of cancer would be over looked or missed.

Lord, use the great faith that Kristi has to impact those around her through the day to day and those who are watching from a distance.

Use the great faith you've given her to encourage those who are watching and praying who are already believers and to astonish the non-believers who are watching, so that your name may be glorified.

Lord, we ask that if it is your will, the medical team you provide will be a team of believers. A team that sees not with human eyes but through the eyes of faith. A team, who along with Kristi, are able to see past the "bad news" the test results may reveal to the gateway for a miracle. A team who believes all things are possible with our God. Mark 10:27

And Lord, more than anything else along this journey help us to remember that you are Sovereign. Let us remember and take comfort that you are Lord, the ultimate healer, the Great Physician, Jehovah-Rapha, THE GOD WHO HEALS and You are all we ever need.

We Praise Your Holy Name Jesus Forever and Ever, Amen

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ways to Help

We are trying to collect money to help with parking 12 to 15 dollars a day and get meals for her family while she's at MD Anderson. There is a donation link on this page (right hand side).

If you would like to provide a meal for her, but can't make or deliver it, contact Stephanie at 512.924.5321 or We have several people willing to cook and deliver.


An Update from Kristi - 5/12 Oncology Visit

I spoke with Kristi after her appointment, and she sounds really good! Here's the update she emailed me to send out.

o.k. this morning @ the appointment, we found out that the biopsy was inconclusive. They are going to need to take out a lymph node to do it. I have my appointment scheduled with MD Anderson tomorrow @ 1:00 and am expected to stay 5-7 dys. At my Dr. visit today they said the CAT scan of my lower abdomen showed a few swollen lymph nodes , but I was not shocked with this @ all. God is so good, that I didn't even need to pay for my Dr. visit today! It was stamped "Pyd" !!! Go GOD!!!! If yall don't know Him, ya need to, cause HE'S my banker.... Oh my gosh, another praise! (Our AC just went out in our car) Chris's uncle just called and told us not to worry, get it taken care of.... I am just in AWE!!!! And here is another "God Provision" Chris just received a call today with someone wanting to do a service contract with him , so he will be doing that on Thurs. ! I sooo thank everyone for the prayers that are and have been lifted up . God is faithful, HE is our provider, He is the Rock on which we are standing on. TO GOD BE THE GLLLLLLLORY!

Oncology Appointment Today

Kristi is headed to her oncologist appointment this morning. I believe that she'll get the biopsy results back today as well as the remainder of the body scan results.

She received a call from MD Anderson today as well. They let her know she would only be 50% covered. She was also informed that she would be there for 5 to 7 days when she goes there tomorrow (they will probably be doing the bone marrow biopsy and PET scan there). She will be treated as an out-patient. A relative has graciously given her mom a place to stay in Houston close to the hospital. Parking there is 12-15 dollars a day. We will open up her Care Calendar for the rest of the week once we know how long she is going to be there (there's a link on the right hand side of this page). You can donate to her account directly through her donation link on this page. Thank you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Donations for the Berry Family

We are raising money to help Kristi Berry with medical bills, travel expenses, and anything else she may need during her fight against Lymphoma. All money goes into an account that they can personally access for any of their needs. May your kindness return to you in the same beautiful way it was given.

There is a donation button on the right hand side of this page, so please begin asking God how you can help. Thanks!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Prayer for Kristi by Beth Varnado Luca

My Prayer of Peace for Kristi

LORD, I lift up Kristi, this precious child of yours.

I pray peace upon her and her family as they embark on this incomprehensible journey, your peace that surpasses all understanding - Philippians 4:7.

Let the peace that you give them and the provisions you grant be a shining testimony to all that you are bigger than anything of this world. Let your name be praised and your Son be glorified in this. For you are her God and you are Jehovah-Shalom, THE LORD OUR PEACE.

LORD, your word tells us that you shall supply all our needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19.

LORD, I pray that Kristi and her family not want for one thing; that not even one bill come into their home that you have not already provided for. Let Kristi and all those who know you take great comfort and rest in your power throughout this situation, that they may be a glorious testimony to you Jehovah-Jireh, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.

Let all come to know that the God of Israel is the one and only true God, and that through Him, by way of the cross is salvation.

Let those who do not know you feel compelled to follow along in this journey to see if what we say is true. Cause them to hunger and thirst for you and make known to them through this journey that the unbearable, insatiable thirst and hunger they feel can only be quenched by You. Let there be clarity of mind as you draw them to You. And as they call out for you, dear Lord, I know you are faithful to give them the peace they seek just as you have given your peace to Kristi and to us.

Praise His Holy Name Forever and Ever, Amen

Friday, May 8, 2009

Update from Kristi

I thank yall so much for the prayers, speechless and moved! Prayer request is, Dr. apt with oncologist on Tues @ 10:15 , Appointment with MD Anderson on Wed., GOD"S hand in the financial aspect of this. We do not have insurance, so as you can imagine the bills will be coming in. I have to continually remind myself that God is my banker. I am choosing not to be consumed with fear and honestly that does not come easy for me when it comes to finances. He continues to grow me in this area, and continues to remind me that so many things are out of my control and totally in HIS. IT IS A CHOICE! This is the area that we def. need prayer in, for God's mighty hand and outstretched arm to be in this . My God made the heavens and they earth, He can move mountains, and I know how small this is to HIM. After all HE did part the Red Sea! Mighty is my GOD .... Mighty is He! Thanks for standing in the gap in my time of need, and for walking this walk with me and my family!

Updates from her FB Page

They found that it has spread. It is in her spleen and other places. They are waiting for a few more tests to see where all it has gotten to. Next week she will have a pet scan and a bone scan to see if it has gotten in to her bones. We are waiting to hear if the tests say it is Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkins.

She is headed home.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First Tests

Here is the update I sent out on the evening of May 7th.

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, Kristi is in the hospital undergoing tests due to a mass in her chest. Kristi has asked that I send out this message to update you on the latest news. I have tried to include those that know her through Celebration, but if I have included anyone who does not know her or left anyone off, please let me know. Also, please feel to pass this on to others that know Kristi who are not on Facebook.

Today her doctors took a biopsy of the mass and attempted to perform a whole body scan. There were some problems with the scan, so they were only able to assess the upper half of her body. Based on what they were able to see, the doctors believe they are dealing with a Hodgkin's type lymphoma that has spread throughout as much of the lymph system as they could see. In the coming days, they will perform a PET scan and bone marrow biopsy to gather more information and pathologists will analyze the biopsy results. The doctors need to determine the exact type of lymphoma and stage as well as to pinpoint exactly where it has spread. The next two weeks will be full of tests and there will likely be many decisions to be made.

Here are some specific things we can pray over:

* Pray for a complete healing.
* Pray for the testing process to go as smoothly as possible and for the doctors to make accurate interpretations of the results.
* Pray that Kristi will be accepted for Medicaid as she is not covered by health insurance
* Pray that MD Anderson, a cancer research hospital in Houston, will be able to take her case and begin her treatments soon.
* Pray for Kristi to continue to feel God's presence and power.
* Pray for her husband Chris, daughter Kolbi, and sons Sheth, Bailey, and Gage. Her children are homeschooled and her husband works on commission, so there are many aspects to cover in prayer.

Kristi has requested that friends continue to pray and to please feel free to post on her Facebook and send emails. She is overwhelmed, and as I'm sure you can imagine, her phone is ringing constantly. We should all refrain from calling her for the time being. Let's let her know we are here but also give her the rest she needs. I will send out updates as I get them. Thank you for praying for my friend.

Standing in Faith in Our God,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Kristi noticed some swelling in her arm. She went to see her doctor who immediately sent her to the hospital. A mass the size of a baseball was found in her chest.