Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello lovely friends and family!
I am sorry I have not written in a while, after I wrote the last one, some things had changed. My chemo treatment had gotten postponed again due to my white blood count. I had to receive a shot on that Thurs., and another on that Friday to end up going back to Houston on Monday for chemo.
So treatments were set back a week. I went back up this Tues. Aug.25th to get blood work done, and to see the Dr. . We are going to do the shot each time after now to help my white count stay up. We have also decided to do radiation after the chemo is done (3 wks after), and it will last 3 1/2 wks long ( I will be able to come home on the weekends). Honestly , that is not music to my ears( being away from my family so long and especially around the holidays), but I know this is going to bump up the % of it not coming back.
So I finished my 7th round of chemo yesterday (Wed.26th). My Dr. has told me I have antisipritory disorder, it is the naseu and angziety that comes before treatment. I thought it was a joke, but he said it's in the text books. You can't controle it, it's your brain. This time before was the worst, as I did sence each time a little bit more and more. This time a actually was getting sick. So My Dr. prescribed me some meds to take prior to, gosh did that help! THANK YOU LORD!!!!! I think one of the worst things is freaking out about something that is not even happening yet, that you know isn't that horrible, telling yourself "what in the world are you doing and why are you doing it", praying that tis would go away and speaking to your subconscience and no change. TOTALLY out of your controle.
I am just so thankful that there is something that will give me some relief! You just have no idea....
So I will be home today, I have been missing my family a bunch this time. Trying not to worry about them being that this was all of there first week of school, but feeling very thankful that I was able to be there for there first day. Thankful that people helped out with meals for them.

I am so proud to say that God has provided in such big ways lately. We are finished paying off our San Marcos hospital bills ! Thank you Lord and for all the support from people out here, some that I have never meet before. I pray that God's blessings will fall upon you in just the perfect way and just the perfect timing that you have no doubt where it is coming from "Your heavenly Father". My hope and prayer was that I wouldn't receive one of M.D.Anderson bill until l paid off the ones near my home. THAT HAS BEEN THE CASE!
I was called down to the billing office yesterday @ M.D.Anderson and asked them when should I expect one from them, and they said they don't understand why i haven't. They said you usually start getting them a month after . O.K. guys and gals, I started in May! Heeeeeeeeeeeeello! Looks like Papa has answered my prayers once again. lol

Prayer request: I am prating now that when my husband sends our tax papers to them this week that we will and would be covered for more then 50% if not 100%, That would be amazing, and I know God could do this He has already done so many huge things.
Please stand with me in prayer as we continue to walk this out, as I lay this in my Papa's hands, not piece by piece, but everything, all of it.
I thank you all for the love, prayers,and support that my family and I have been given, felt, and received. I thank God so very much for you.

**Praise Report**
God has been doing great things this summer in my family.
** Bailey ( My cute, wonderful and unique Bailey Bug who is 11 now and starting Jr. High this year) Has given his life to Christ and followed through in baptism. Praise you Father, your ways, your timing, and not our own,
** Kolbi Lynn ( My beautiful, outgoing, 14yr.old Kokobean, who loves her sports!) Has went on a mission trip, has heard her Father's voice, Is on her 2nd Bible study, and wants to walk the walk she has already committed to.
** Gage (My handsome SENIOR the Gagester! Agggggggg I can't believe I'm saying that already) Who has went to serve @ a Christian camp for 3weeks this summer, who is earnestly seeking God in so many ways, including his future disitions, and who is also preparing to walk out his disition of baptism to show the commitment he has and is making
too. To walk the walk not just talk the talk!
** Sheth( Ahh little Shetharooni, who is starting kinder this year and just turned 6, the one with spunk and ditermination). We sit and wait to see what great things are ahead for him, He sits and watches his siblings oh so carefully and loves them soooo. He sits and prays for his momma every night and says he knows Jesus will heal her, and also prays that his teacher will have Jesus in her heart. I see the work already @ hand.

What satin may come to try to steal, kill, or destroy, GOD WORKS OUT FOR HIS GOOD!! FOR HIS GLORY!!!! Amen! Come on, give me a AMEN!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today I leave to head back to Houston. ROUND 6! Half way done, and I can't believe it! Have my eyes set on October...

My mind has been very busy these days with trying to understand the things I am being taught. Patients, giving things up (not in my timing or my control), appreciating the little things (the details/thought behind things/the heart), seeing how God is showing His love to me, by getting roses delivered, bills getting paid one @ a time,kids school supplies being paid for. Realizing that this is my body, even though it may have issues, it is the one that HE has chosen for me! My journey that He has called me to walk out. Seeing Him as my PROVIDER, not just saying it or knowing it, but claiming it! He is who He says He is and walking in faith that He will do what He says He can do! I have been trying to understand and work things out with my human mind, and that is not how my Papa works at all.

I am so very blessed by the family and friends that are placed in my life. My birthday was such a special one! I had know idea that my lovely friends were going to come kidnap me, blindfold me, and take me away to a surprise party where my handsome husband and spectacular friends would be! It was such a wonderful evening, and I definitely felt the love.
Today I am rejoicing in being half way done! Part of this feels like it is going by soooo fast and the other part feels , well, not so much! ha

School starting for the kids is right around the corner on the 24th, all enrolled and getting excited. The funny reality of Sheth starting Kinder, and Gage graduating High school all in the same year is quite amusing! As well as the shock of Gage turning 17 yesterday is putting plenty of things in a new light. Where have all the years gone? The time that we have with our kiddos seem to fly by so very fast.We hope and pray that we are doing all we can do to prepare them emotionally and spiritually . I love them sooo very much! Each one so special and unique.
I am a very proud mom , and look forward to seeing what this year is gonna hold for all of them, but especially Mr. Senior, and pray it is the best year ever. Kolbi is all excited about getting into sports again, as Bailey bug is starting his 1st year of Jr.High ! And Sheth, well he told me "I am kinda nervous about starting cause there will be a bunch of people there ." I on the other hand really have no worries about Mr.Social butterfly! lol

Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and a blessed week. Much love sent.