Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yesterday was a long, long, veeeery long day! It was very exhausting, so at the end of the day I was zonked! I am very happy to say that the PET scan came back as clear. I have two print outs(of the PET scans) one of before(in May) and one from yesterday which is truly wowing to see side by side.
There was a spot which was around my spine that he know thinks could have been part of the cancer because it is gone. I know some people are wondering "Does this mean no more chemo"? Unfortunately not, I am sad to say! Still have to continue on !
To be honest, yesterday was like a bitter sweet to me, I know that sounds crazy. After we talked about the test results, we talked about radiation afterward. He explained that it is something he is gonna want me to see a radiologist about. He told me that he has some patients that are young that are having relapses of lymphoma, and when it comes back it comes back with a vengeance. He said what he is seeing is very sad (with those patients), but with radiation it brings your percentage of not coming back higher. He(Dr.Fowler) said that he is probl. gonna bring my case up for review @ a board meeting with lymphoma Dr.'s and radiologist.
The other side is radiation has it's own side effects such as heart attacks, breast cancer, etc. in years to come. So I wasn't running out of the building screaming unfortunately!
More on information shock or another reality of how serious this is, and again how it is totally out of our control. I am soooo very thankful that I am clear, and the Dr. is very happy with how fast this has cleared up. Just very emotional going through it, the thought of me already having the cervical cancer a few years ago, now this , and the possibilities of something in the future doesn't sound appealing. That is me being a human and my raw feelings. I know none of us know what can happen tomorrow nor 10 - 20 years from now, but when you have to hear it or think about it, it's kind of shocking.Again I have to give all of me, to my Papa! Of course I prefer side effects rather then a beast coming back, that is a no brainer, just very emotional. Ya know! I'll be 35 this month and wish for a couple of days I could make it all go away, go to "never never land" lol that would be sweeeet! If anyone has transportation there, would you please consider taking me! Haha
I thank all of yall for all the prayers and for walking with me in this, but the journey is not finished yet. So please continue to be in prayer with me, not just for me but my family as well. Love all of you bunches, and pray that all have a blessed week.
Round 5 is today!
May our Father get all the praise in this....... Our great physician and healer .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catching everyone up to speed. Today is Monday the 21st, and Saturday made a week of the shaved head! Yes, I am sporting the bald look! To hot for a wig or a hat for that matter, and praise God that he has given my a decent one! (head that is :O) )
Today was suppose to be the PET scan, but got there and they forgot to remind me not to eat for 6 hrs before. So It is rescheduled for tomorrow @ 8:00am and results should also be tomorrow.
It has been a good two weeks, just a bit tired. Still trying to hand over the money situation to God and leave it there. To be honest it is my biggest struggle seeing how it just increases each time by the thousands. It's hard to grasp or swallow when you can predict the ballpark figure that this will end up in. I drive down the road in thought, and my mom asks "what are you thinking about". I respond "thinking about not thinking about the bills", and continued saying "If they cross your mind, they stay there for a minute and then worry sets in again, which then makes you frustrated cause your not suppose to be worrying @ all since you placed @ the foot of the cross". I am trying to leave them there, I am trying to leave a bunch of things there and not worry about them. I know it does no good, I know my life is way more valuable and doesn't have a price value on it. More precious then silver, more costly then Gold. I know it's just money, just didn't plan "I didn't plan" for us to be in debt! Did not want that to happen! Just goes to show you how things aren't really in our control @ all. That is my prayer request, that I can totally be free of the worry. That it would not have any hold on me. It is my reality, but I do not need to be imprisoned by it.
I look @ my lovely kiddos, and see how they are growing from this. I see how blessed I am to have such a bunch of beautiful, helpful, and loving kids along with an amazing husband.
No none of us perfect, but all hand chosen and placed together by God and His great hand. Which is far more important to me then any bill of any amount.
My youngest just turned 6 last Friday, which made Chris and I feel wowed! Which then lead to the thought of :Our oldest is graduating this year and our youngest is starting school ! That is a crazy thought... Can't imagine all that this year is going to hold/bring.
I am resting in the comfort of my Papa's arms. I find myself wandering some times, look back and see Him still standing there waiting for me . I am thankful to have such a loving Father that is always there. Sometimes walking besides us, sometimes running to catch us, and other times carrying us! I love how He loves me.....
Thank you for the prayers and ask for them to continue.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

7/10 Update from Kristi

Good morning everyone.

I will start with Wed. when Steph & I left. On our way we stopped off for some Taco Bell!!! I was really wanting a bean burrito ! yuuuuuuuum and cringing about Steph's pictures that she was taking of our trip! So then off to the Dr.'s appointment.

Dr. said that he thought I am looking really well, and he is feeling really good about this. My blood counts were low so I will be needing to do another Lunasta shot. It was good to hear that he feels good about all of this. Music to my ears.... I had to talk to someone about the money situation and to give them a dollar ammount, so if yall can be in prayer about that/this it would be greatly appreciated.I know my God is a big one, and He can move mountains that's for sure. He can do the impossible .. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Next time I go, I will be having a PET scan again to see if the cancer is gone, which I am believing in. Yesterday I did not get sick, praise God, just slept through the night. Maybe driving had to do with me getting sick on the way home. We will see!

We are leaving and going back home today, I thank you all for your loving thoughts and prayers. Truly thanking God for taking care of my babies while I am away. Thank you Koko, and Wyana, I love the pictures of them and there adventures. Hope all have a very blessed day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Day at the Beach

Thank you Michelle for this lovely personalized "Berry Beach", letting me be able to dream... Dream a little dreeeam with me! It is the next best thing to actually going there, along with smores! No complaining over here....

It's moments like this that make going through this a bit more easier.

On another note, I just found out that my white blood count for this past week are dipping again! Arrrrg.... So I wont be shocked if I have to get another Lunasta shot in the tummy tum tum 24 hours after chemo... I just wish there was something I could do, something I could take to help them stay up. Another reality of how this is so out of my hands and in my Papa's. This week has been kinda emotional so far, feel so week to be almost 35. I know it's just for a season, try to keep thinking that this season is shorter then being pregnant. Not sure if that thought is helping or not...

Well I will be Houston bound with Steph - for round 4! And I am so grateful to and for her. Wednesday is Dr. visit/ blood, and Thurs. morning is chemo !

Sending much love out to all...
