Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Practical Ways to Help Kristi and Her Family

Good Morning!

The treatment plan is set, the calendar is updated, and each need placed on it has been covered in prayer.

As some of you already know, Kristi is unable to participate in many of her normal activities. Weeding her garden, taking the kids down to the pool, or even being out in the sun for an extended time are things she will lay down for this season. We have tried to be creative with ideas for the calendar that will help the Berry household run as close to normal as possible. Our Father has every one of these requested needs in the palm of his hand and has already been so faithful to meet every single need for this family so far.

Thank you for all the supportive emails, messages, and calls. It is truly an amazing blessing to see such an out-pour of Gods love.

Above all else, please continue to pray for God's hand over them in all that he has planed for them. He will receive all the glory through this journey!

To access Kristi Berry's personal CareCalendar site, visit and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces:


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