Monday, June 1, 2009

Update from Kristi - Over the Weekend

Well reflecting back over the weekend...

Thursday was chemo day, and that night I got sick 3 times. My heart felt like it was racing, so it was hard to go to sleep, but I finally did.

Friday I just felt blah, moody, and easily agitated. The doctor sent me home with some meds to help my with nausea and help with sleep as well. My mom and I had to go to 2 classes, and we went home with a bunch of sterile kits for the cleaning of my pic line and stuff to flush the line out daily. Finally we were on the way home! Yes still moody! ;O) There was a young couple that we had been seeing around and in my "bla-ness" the husband asked what stage I was in, since his wife had a arm band the same color as mine (lime green/lymphoma) I said stage 2. From that point on what he said keeps replaying in my mind "His wife has stage 4, and it's in her bone marrow She has Non-Hodgkin's large cell B. They have an 8 month old child, along with 2 other kids that are I think 3 and 5 or 6." They also do not have insurance, and they had been going back and forth with the doctor from where they live for 2 months before finding out. To top it off his job fired him because of how much time he was taking off to be with his wife as she was going through her tests. When you hear something like this, it puts things into great perspective! My heart goes out to them, and even though we may not know there names, God does. please be in prayer for them with me. For them to find out who God is and what He does for His children, for His peace to cover them and His hand carry them, that there finances be provided for, that there needs would be meet. That the find a church home and that they get showered with support and love. Please lift them up in prayer with me...

Saturday felt better, had some rest and had enough energy to socialize for a bit with some friends in the afternoon.

Sunday, extremely tired, nauseated off and on throughout the day, some ache in my finger joints a bit, along with being a bit emotional. Stayed around the house trying to understand my body and track how it is responding to see what is different or the same the next go round. My friend Jaclyn is chopping my hair for me tomorrow (Monday) , cause I found a cut that I like, for a step in transition.... Yes it will be short! Been there and done that before, but it was by choice that time, this time is a bit different! Trying to talk to myself about the visual change that will be taking place very soon, but honestly I know that nothing can really prepare you for this. Soooo doing the best I can do with each day that I am in. So far the feelings of emotions are very similar to pregnancy, meaning the feeling of being on an emotional roller coaster , my mind seems blank a lot of the times & I think that is from information overload. . Please do not think I am complaining, just sharing what is going on with me , since I know some are wondering what is going on and how I am doing. So far not so bad, and resting in God's grace. Hope all had a lovely weekend! Much love sent!


  1. Big Hugs! I saw Kolbi breifly Friday. What a wonderful child you have raised. She is a lovely young lady! Many prayers for you, but mostly just that your Papa will continue to hold you tightly in His arms though all of this.

    Your story about the couple made my heart break. I often forget how hopeless life is without Jesus. I can't imagine going through all of that with out knowing that God was there directing it all. What a frightening chaotic place to be. Praise the Lord for His undending love and infinite attention to the details of our lives. I also ask Jesus to find (call) them and hold them in His care as well.

    Hugs and smooches dear lady!

  2. Kristi, praying healing and comfort for you! Joy comes with the morning when His mercies are renewed! I have been sick, so have been keeping my distance, but you are not far from my thoughts and heart. It's amazing the people God bring together in situations. I will pray for that precious family and I know He brought the two of you in contact for a purpose. He never wastes a hurt...or an opportunity.
