Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update from Kristi 6/6/09

Hello to all and I send lots of love and thank yous to everyone.

I must say that the last past 2 days have been better. Which is such a good thing! I will say this past Tuesday, I tried to go outside with Sheth and the heat must have really gotten to me. I say I was out there maybe 10 min. tops then came a major headache and then I got sick. "Note to self : Be careful outside in the heat". This morning I also noticed my fingertips feeling like pins and needles, so I did call and inform the Dr.'s office.

Looking forward to the weekend and a few normal days until the next chemo treatment on Thursday, then 1 cycle will be down! I have been having a bit of what some people call "chemo brain" I guess or "medicine head". But not to bad, and hair is all attached by its own will on my head still Just sporting the new do! . No gluing, Velcro or tape has been needed yet! hahahaha Gotta have some humor honey bunnies! :o)

I am still in aw of everyone and there love for me and my family, not that there was ever any doubt, but I am basking in it and want yall to know how greatly appreciated I am by it all. The cards sent, scriptures written, and text, emails sent, & little love notes of kindness are so much appreciated and help so much on a "not so good day". I have all my cards hanging up in a certain area so that they are seen and easily assessable when in need of a smile or a little love felt. God's timing is perfect, His love measureless and never ending. All consuming Father..... PRICELESS!

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