Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Update

Hello to all!

I know I haven't written in a while, and sorry about that, but I have been pondering stuff and looking at what will possibly be "normal routinage" and what not so normal, gazing @ what God is doing in my life and the lives around me through this and aw struck by it.

Last treatment went fine and I was sick the day of chemo and that following Tuesday, and some weird mouth soreness & sensitivity. Food tasted weird during the first few days and with the soreness ya don't feel like talking much! I had a reaction from the lunasta shot I had to get from my lovely friend Wyana (love you ;O) ) and that felt like braxton hicks when ur prego ! Aches in my lower back/hips/legs in my bones... Which only lasted 3dys PRAISE GOD! haha Then like clock work on the 7th day, I started feeling little more like myself! Each day better and better until yep! treatment day which is this Thursday (round 3). The days and weeks seemed blurred all together, just glad my heads connected to my body these days lol! I have noticed my hair thinning these past few days, which is not noticeable to some, but I can def. notice because my hair was THICK... So I have been praising God for a little extra time that I have with hair on my head. Not really too worried about it leaving me anymore, and thinking of all the ways I can sport the bald head. Anybody want to join me in the "bald head movement"? I think that could be great fun! haha

They might try this new patch on me that helps with the nausea for 5dys, so we will see.
God is so good! Do you realize how good He is? I can not formulate words to describe how captivated I am , how enamored I am by Him... I pray you take the time to look and see, not just in the big things, but in the little things as well. We take so much for granted each day, each moment, and blow off so much as coincidence. Pry your eyes open, make every minute count, live like today is your last, touch someones life, give our Father the praise He so deserves.... LIVE OUT LOUD! I saw a billboard on a church this weekend and it said "Only dead fish go with the current". What I read in that is a reminder: "we are called to be set apart, different from the world not rolling with it".

I look forward to the end of this because I know my Father is doing great things in me, things that needed some tweaking. I know I am not gonna be the same person that started this voyage. Neither do I want to be.... God has placed some amazing friends and family in my life to pray with me in this, to walk this out with me, to send me little "I love u's" on my text, love to my family, cards in the mail, messages through facebook. They are all noticed, deeply appreciated, and much needed. I thank God for each one of you, and pray blessings over you and yours. As much as you might be inspired by me and what I am going through, I am inspired by your heart and actions. Love is a powerful thing, it's the greatest gift.

Hope all are having a beautiful day friends.

Psalms 107:9
For He has satisfied the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

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