Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10th Update from Kristi

Job 26:14 "These are some of the minor things He does,merely a whisper of His power.Who then can withstand His thunder?" Be in awww of God , inspired by what is going on, and what is to come! ;O)

Today went really well! I met with my Dr, and I did find out that my white blood count is a bit low already, so I will hv to give myself a shot 24hrs. after chemo. No biggie.

I ran into the girl from last time today (the one that her husband lost his job) and her name is April. Now we know who to pray for, "The King family". She is so sweet, and we hung out there for most of the day. She had already went down and got her wig and so we went down to get one for me as well! It's too funny, we were trying them on and laughing and ended up getting the same one. My husband chose me to be a brunette instead of a blond, surprise surprise! ;O) I'm thinking I might be a wig wearer on Sundays and date nights with my hubby! haha , we will see! Hair is still very "there" on my head.... I know April wasn't placed in my life by chance, and I told her there are people praying for her. She has 3 children, 6,3, and 8months and I found out her sister lives in Mississippi and hasn't seen her in a few yrs, and her mom is in prison, not much family around. She is involved in her church which was nice to hear, and they have been helping with the comings and goings to M D Anderson (they live 5hrs. away). So please continue to pray for them, she has stage 4 non-Hodgkin's cell.

I have my second chemo treatment tomorrow @ 10 and they are giving me some different meds along with it to help with nausea. I am feeling really good and ready for tomorrow and what it holds.

I sit in aw with everything God is doing in our lives, all the many blessings He is pouring out onto my family and I. I never thought in a million years that something like this would happen and I would be happy about it. He is filling me with peace, peace beyond what my mind can comprehend.... Love, His love, I am seeing in a total new perspective. I know that who I was at the beginning this, I am not going to be in the end. My Father is my potter, and I am the willing clay, the clay that He has been shaping and molding for a few years now. Clay that is taking shape into what He sees as beautiful, a masterpiece in the making. He has said I am chosen, He calls me His own, I am created in His imagine, uniquely wonderfully made. My daddy loves me, and I am only getting a glimpse merely a whisper of it. I am rejoicing for my situation that I am placed in, and can't even imagine what the end holds, but my eyes are fixated there and there they will stay.

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